RFQ – Cost Estimating Services for Construction of San Gabriel River Bike Trail Road and Bridge Crossing
A Request for Quotation (RFQ) for Cost Estimating Services for Construction of San Gabriel River Bike Trail Road and Bridge Crossing was issued on 2/23/22. Please see the RFQ Notice and full RFQ here . Quotations are required to be submitted electronically to: Salian Garcia, Manager, at sgarcia@rmc.ca.gov and cc: Aimee Nguyen, Office Technician, at anguyen@rmc.ca.gov.
The submittal deadline for quotations is Thursday, March 10th at 5pm.
Brief of Scope of Services Requested in RFQ: Provide engineering cost estimates for the construction of road and bridge crossings and associated improvements for a bike trail on the west side of the San Gabriel River in the City of Long Beach.
PROJECT LOCATION: Western bank of the San Gabriel River from the northern side of 37 College Park Drive in Long Beach to Alamitos Bay Landing on Marina Drive in Long Beach.