RFP West Coyote Hills II – Independent Appraisal Review Services – Deadline 04/19/2023
A Request for Proposals (RFP) for West Coyote Hills II – Independent Appraisal Review Services was issued on March 29, 2023. Interested entities may view the RFP here. It is also publicly posted on CaleProcure.
The RMC is requesting proposals for independent appraisal review services for an appraisal of approximately 483 acres of vacant land referred to as the West Coyote Hills (WCH), a master planned property in northern Orange County. The independent review must be performed by a qualified independent appraiser who is licensed pursuant to the Real Estate Appraisers’ Licensing and Certification Law, did not conduct the appraisal under review, and has no financial interest in the proposed project.
The independent review must include a field inspection of the subject property and meet the requirements of Standard 3 of USPAP and written instructions in Attachment B.
As stated in the RFP released on March 29, 2023, All technical questions should be directed to Salian Garcia, Staff Services Manager I, (626) 815- 1019 x110 or sgarcia@rmc.ca.gov.
Other questions related to the agency and the project may be directed to Mark Stanley, Executive
Officer, at mstanley@rmc.ca.gov or Sally Gee, Project Analyst, at sgee@rmc.ca.gov.
The submittal deadline for proposals is Wednesday, April 19, 2023 by 12:00 PM .
Mail or deliver Proposals to the following address:
Rivers and Mountains Conservancy
Attn: Salian Garcia/Dinah Felipe
100 N. Old San Gabriel Canyon Road
Azusa, CA 91702
Office Phone: (626) 815-1019
Please see the RFP for full instructions and details of the scope of work.
Facsimiles or Proposals submitted/passed through to other RMC personnel, or personnel of related agencies, will not be accepted.