The San Gabriel & Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (RMC) is now accepting applications for two Conservancy Project Development Analyst II (CPDA II) vacancies under JC-374344 in the CalCareer website.
Eligibility (i.e., list, lateral transfer) is required for this position. The current lists/examination eligible for this position are Conservancy Project Development Analyst II and Associate Governmental Program Analyst. Additional information can be found in the job posting on the Cal Careers website at https://www.calcareers.ca.gov/.
The application final filing date is June 8, 2023.

State of California San Gabriel & Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (RMC)
As stated in the RFP released on March 29, 2023, questions regarding this RFP must be received
no later than seven (7) calendar days after the RFP advertisement. Similar questions have
been compiled as one question, and questions may have been paraphrased by the RMC for
clarity. It is the responsibility of the Proposer to access the RMC website or the CaleProcure
website for any changes or Addenda that may be posted.
See responses here and full RFP here: RFP West Coyote Hills II – Independent Appraisal Review Services – Deadline 04/19/2023
The San Gabriel & Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (RMC) is now accepting applications for JC-353349 Staff Services Manager II (SSM II) position. If you are having trouble opening the attached Duty Statement, try to download and save it to your computer, then open the document.
Eligibility (i.e., list, lateral transfer) is required for this position. The current examination list eligible for this position is Staff Services Manager 2 (Supervisory/Managerial). Additional information can be found in the job posting on the Cal Careers website at https://www.calcareers.ca.gov/.
The application final filing date is February 14, 2023.
A Request for Proposals (RFP) for CEQA Services for SELA Cultural Center and LAFCD Relocation Sites was issued on December 22, 2022. Interested entities may view the RFP here. It is also publicly posted on CaleProcure.
The RMC is seeking a qualified environmental planning firm to provide professional services and prepare environmental documents and studies as required to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Public Resources Code (PRC) §§ 5024 and 5024.5, and all other relevant environmental laws and regulations. The firm shall provide a wide range of professional planning and environmental consulting services.
As stated in the RFP released on December 22, 2022, questions regarding this RFP must be received no later than seven (7) business days after the RFP advertisement. Similar questions have been compiled as one question, and questions may have been paraphrased by the RMC for clarity. See RFP question responses here.
The submittal deadline for proposals is Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 12:00 PM.
Mail or deliver Proposals to the following address:
Rivers and Mountains Conservancy
Attn: Salian Garcia/Dinah Felipe
100 N. Old San Gabriel Canyon Road
Azusa, CA 91702
Office Phone: (626) 815-1019
Please see the RFP for full instructions and details of the scope of work.
Proposals or questions related to this RFP submitted/passed through to other RMC personnel, or personnel of related agencies, will not be accepted.
A Request for Proposals (RFP) for Services for Owner’s Representative Services for SELA Cultural Center was issued on December 22, 2022. Interested entities may view the RFP here. It is also publicly posted on CaleProcure.
The RMC is seeking a qualified individual or firm to provide owner’s representative services to assist and support RMC staff in the areas project management, construction monitoring and quality assurance consulting services during the pre-construction, bidding, construction, and post-construction phases to assure successful completion of the Southeast Los Angeles (SELA) Cultural Arts Center.
As stated in the RFP released on December 22, 2022, questions regarding this RFP must be received no later than seven (7) business days after the RFP advertisement. Similar questions have been compiled as one question, and questions may have been paraphrased by the RMC for clarity. See RFP question responses here.
The submittal deadline for proposals is Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 12:00 PM.
Mail or deliver Proposals to the following address:
Rivers and Mountains Conservancy
Attn: Salian Garcia/Dinah Felipe
100 N. Old San Gabriel Canyon Road
Azusa, CA 91702
Office Phone: (626) 815-1019
Please see the RFP for full instructions and details of the scope of work.
Proposals or questions related to this RFP submitted/passed through to other RMC personnel, or personnel of related agencies, will not be accepted.
The San Gabriel & Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (RMC) is now accepting applications for JC-343682 Associate Governmental Program Analyst (AGPA) position. If you are having trouble opening the attached Duty Statement, try to download and save it to your computer, then open the document.
Eligibility (i.e., list, lateral transfer) is required for this position. The current examination eligible for this position is Associate Governmental Program Analyst. Additional information can be found in the job posting on the Cal Careers website at https://www.calcareers.ca.gov/.
The application final filing date is December 20, 2022.
The RMC have selected the following entity to provide Land Surveying Services for the formation of the Lower Los Angeles River Recreation and Park District (Park District) including but not limited to, field surveys of boundaries, topographic survey and mapping, property descriptions, easement plans and right-of-way maps, record of survey, and other surveying services necessary for the project:
The full “Notice of Intent to Award” can be found here.
NOTICE POST DATE: November 7, 2022
The RMC have selected the following entities to provide Community Engagement and Outreach professional services focused on projects along the Lower Los Angeles River:
- Conservation Corps of Long Beach of Long Beach, CA
- Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust of Long Beach, CA
- Tidal Influence of Long Beach, CA
The full “Notice of Intent to Award” can be found here.
NOTICE POST DATE: October 18, 2022
A Request for Proposal (RFP) for Lower LA River Community Restoration and Revitalization Projects, Community Engagement and Outreach was issued on 3/8/22.
The RMC have selected the following entities to provide Community Engagement and Outreach professional services focused on projects along the Lower Los Angeles River.
- Moore Iacofano Goltsman, Inc (MIG) of Pasadena, CA
- S. Groner Associates (SGA) of Long Beach, CA
- SELA Collaborative of Bell Gardens, CA
The full “Notice of Intent to Award” can be found here.
NOTICE POST DATE: October 14, 2022

October 5, 2022
Welcome to the 22nd edition of RMC’s newsletter! We are thrilled to share our new electronic communication with you to give you a snapshot of RMC’s work. In this monthly newsletter, we will provide project spotlights, news on recently approved projects, updates on active projects and our Joint Powers Authority activities. We will also share any events, funding opportunities, as well as announcements.
See full October 2022 Newsletter